Whatever story you want to tell, be that a work of fiction, your own life story, or perhaps a talk or speech that you’d like to feel less like a traditional presentation and more like a compelling, well-crafted story, I’m here to help you access your creativity, find your creative voice and then, write and tell that story.

If you’re trying to write your first book but struggling to actually write it, whether you’re struggling to take the necessary action, come up with that big idea or stop sabotaging yourself at every turn, Help Me Write (and Finish) My Damn Book, my 12-Week programme is for you!

Ready to tell your story on stage?

I help you develop, craft and tell a story, be that a talk, a speech, a keynote presentation or an after dinner address, so that you can become a more confident and compelling storyteller, even if you’ve never spoken in public before!

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The goal with Story SOS is simple; get you and your story back on track and moving forward again, whatever story it is that you are trying to tell. Think of Story SOS as a drop-in centre to support your writing-journey. You can book a session with me whenever you feel like you need some additional support navigating your creative path.

A peaceful, purposeful space by the sea for you to escape the distractions of your day-to-day life and find some uninterrupted, quality time to dedicate to your writing project so that you can reset (or restart) your creative practice, reconnect with your writing and rediscover your state of flow, and in the process, work with me, a published author and Creative-Story Facilitator who can offer guidance and support along the way.