More About Moi… 

I am passionate about two things; Creativity and Storytelling.These two ingredients have been the bedrock of my entire career. They are the two threads that have stitched my professional life together; guided every decision, underpinned and inspired every Zig and every Zag I’ve ever made (of which there have been many)! 

I’m passionate about Creativity and Storytelling, mine and yours too!

I started my creative career as an actress, training in the beautiful city of Vancouver before going on to work in theatre for many years, which, as it turned out, also led me to produce and direct a number of my own productions too.

Fast forward five years and standby for the first major Zig of my creative life.

Deciding that I wanted more control of my career (and my income) in what would be my first ‘Zig’ of many, I moved into the live events industry and spent the next ten years working as a Creative Show and Content Producer. During that time I worked with countless creative agencies, creative teams and clients; collaborating, devising, developing creative and telling stories. And a lot of them too.

Then, it was time for a Zag, not only did I want more control of my career by that point, I wanted more control of my creativity too. I didn’t want to work for other people, pouring all of my creative energy into work and projects that didn’t truly excite me. Instead, I wanted to use my creativity, one of my greatest assets, for myself. I wanted to create my own work, work that was truly meaningful to me; I wanted to be a writer and tell my stories.  And so, that’s what I did.  I now tread the highs and lows of my own creative path as a writer, storyteller and author, currently knee-deep in the gloriously messy process of writing my next novel, along with a children’s book all about a remarkably unremarkable Dog named Dexter.  You can find out more about my work as a writer by clicking the link below.

And now for the final Zig in the story so far, which brings us nicely to you and me, with me tying all my professional experience together; everything I’ve learnt in my career so far, everything I’ve learnt and understand about the creative process and everything I know about imagining, writing and telling stories, so that I can help you, help you embrace your creativity, find your creative voice and write and tell your stories too.