My job is to support you and your writing journey, however I can, whenever you need, in whatever way best serves you and your creative project.  

Embarking on a creative project on your own is tough. Doable, definitely but still, really tough! 

Imagine an athlete training for the Olympics without the ongoing guidance, support and encouragement of a coach. They wouldn’t be giving themselves the best possible opportunity to succeed, would they? Well, the same is true when it comes to your writing project; whether that’s a book, a play or a film script - going it alone, without the ongoing support of a coach isn’t giving yourself the best possible opportunity to actually go the necessary distance and make it all the way through to ‘The End’.

This is why I offer my 6 or 12 months Writers Support Coaching Bundles, where I become part of your creative team - meaning you don’t have to go it alone!

I help you navigate the many ups and downs of the creative process and the inevitable roadblocks the storytelling process likes to hurl at us from a great height, and I support, guide and encourage you, all the way through to The End.

The beauty of these sessions is that they are unstructured, meaning you get to choose your own adventure. You decide when and how you want to schedule your sessions, whether that’s once a month as a consistent touchpoint throughout your creative project or on a more ad-hoc basis when you hit a rough patch and need that additional support, or maybe even a mixture of the two - you choose what works best for you!  The same applies to the sessions themselves, you let me know what support you need, and I’ll tailor our time together accordingly

 As your Creativity Coach, here’s the type of support I offer, both for you and for your creative project; 

  • Creativity Management - helping you to map, plan and devise a blueprint for your creative project 

  • Creative facilitator, helping you navigate the creative process and overcome any creative blocks or limiting beliefs that threaten to hold you back or sabotage your creative efforts

  • Organisational support

  • Creative collaboration and sounding board (if needed or wanted)

  • Accountability partner

  • Story Support

    • Story mapping

    • Creative brainstorming

    • Story development 

    • Ideation and troubleshooting 

  • A creative lifeline, stopping you from giving up, keeping you on track and helping you move forward

  • Me, as your cheerleader, championing you, your writing, your creative project, holding your hand and helping you make your creative a vision your creative reality.

This bundle package is ideal for anyone who wants to complete their creative project within a certain timeframe.

Sessions are flexible and can be scheduled and tailored to meet your specific needs, providing ongoing support for the lifespan of your creative project.

Ready to work with me and make your creative project a reality? 

How the Creativity Call works…

You arrange your free 20-minute creativity call with me.

We’ll have a chat about your writing journey, where you are now, where you want to be and what approach might provide you with the best support.

If you want to work with me, we’ll get started. 

Simple as that!

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1:1 Coaching Bundle PRICES

6-Month Coaching Bundle | 6 x 45-minute sessions


12-Month Coaching Bundle | 12 x 45- minute sessions


PS. Need a little more handholding until you’re ‘up and writing’ on your own?  Then check out my 12-week programme, which offers more structure, laying out a solid foundation that will get you and your creative project off the ground, and moving forward (in the right direction) with more clarity, creativity and confidence.