Writing your first book is difficult!

To be honest, writing a book is just difficult full stop! But when you’re writing your very first book, it’s all unchartered territory. You have a vague destination in mind, a finished book, but no clear road map, how to actually get there. And no survival manual for what to do when things get tough or start to go wrong which, when it comes to writing a book, they inevitably will.  That’s why so few people ever make it to ‘The End’. Not because they don’t want it enough or their idea isn’t good enough or they’re not capable enough, but because they don’t know how to navigate the inevitable roadblocks and trip hazards the book-writing process enjoys hurling at everyone along the way. Which is why eventually, most people will give up on their big audacious goal of writing a book, believing they just don’t have what it takes to pull it off! 

Let me assure you…YOU HAVE EXACTLY WHAT IT TAKES TO WRITE YOUR BOOK!  And my twelve-week programme will show you how.

Who is this programme for?

Help Me Write (and Finish) my Damn Book is for you, if…

  • You know you have a book in you, but you don’t know HOW to make that dream a reality

  • You struggle to come up with enough ideas or have too many ideas, you don’t move forward with any of them.

  • You know you have a great idea but don’t know how to develop and expand that idea into a story/book

  • You spend all your time plotting, planning and thinking about the book, you never actually write it

  • You’re already in the midst of writing your book but STUCK; struggling to find the time, discipline, motivation, enthusiasm, please insert [here] whatever excuse you’re currently using that’s stopping you moving forward and actually finishing your book.

Wherever you are on your book writing journey, whether you’re at the very beginning, (struggling with that blank page) in the messy middle (struggling with yourself) or getting to the end (struggling with your story), then ‘Help Me Write (And Finish) My Damn Book’ is designed to help you navigate the unchartered territory of writing your first book. This guided programme will provide you with both the ‘road-map’ and the ‘survival manual’; giving you the direction, the guidance, the support and techniques you need to actually write and finish your damn book!

The tools and techniques Christina shares won’t just help you finish the book you are currently writing, they will set you up to write many more. I know I will go on to write more books because of this programme!
— Sian Horner

Help Me Write (And Finish) My Damn Book - 1:1 Programme


THE STORY BEHIND MY Story (and this programme)…

For those of you who don’t know me yet, my name is Christina and I am a writer, author, and Creative Story Facilitator. I’ll be the one holding your hand, guiding you through the process and rooting for you every step of the way - I’ll be the one helping you write and finally finish your damn book.  Something I know all about.

After spending YEARS writing my first book, I finally made it to ‘The End’. And it was worth it, but my goodness was it painful at times. That experience prompted me to examine the creative process and find new ways of approaching my creative work that were more joyful, more playful and ultimately more effective. I needed to understand how to navigate my own creative path so that I wasn’t permanently derailed by the creative process, constantly putting my book on hold; waiting until I was in the right headspace, or for inspiration to strike or until I’d finally found my state of flow.

Instead, I needed an approach that would support my creative process, and help me write and finish my own damn book. The unique methodology I developed, is now the foundation for this 1:1 programme.

Still got questions…