The first four-week module in the programme is all about getting you out of your own way and into the right headspace to write your book. This module is the equivalent of building strong foundations that will support and hold your writing process. 

In this module you will learn to:

  •  Dismantle any creative blocks or writing blocks that are holding you back

  • Connect to your creative core to access your creative potential

  • Find and strengthen your creative voice 

  • Overcome self-doubt | Silence the inner critic | Stop the self-sabotage

  • Build trust in yourself, your writing, your abilities and most of all, in the process 

  • Bring more joy, play and flow to your writing

I’ve been stuck in a revolving door of trying to decide whether to go down the path of fiction or non-fiction. Christina’s one-to-one programme was just what I needed. Through her ability to engage and emphathize and to set some challenging but rewarding assignments she has really helped me to clarify when, where and how to fulfil that life-long ambition.
— Jeremy Hill

All the modules run as standalone 4-week programmes, so if you’re feeling stuck right now and all you need is some help to get unstuck, then click below and arrange a free Creativity Call with me.