Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.
— John Steinbeck

Module 2 is all about choosing your own adventure, depending on where you are in your book-writing journey. This module is all about engaging and expanding your imagination, becoming a magnet for inspiration, and unleashing your creativity so that your ideas want to come out to play. 

Option 1 - Ideas Generator

The Ideas Generator is for you if you struggle to come up with ideas, and haven’t found that big juicy idea you want to base your book on yet. 

 You will discover how to: 

  • Engage, exercise & expand your imagination

  • Invite, listen and receive inspiration 

  • Generate more ideas, more effortlessly

  • Nurture, develop and grow your ideas

  • Choose the best idea out of many

Option 2 - Idea Expander

This is for you if you already have an idea you’re working on but don’t know how to expand it into a story.

You will discover how to:

  •  Develop, build and grow your idea

  • Expand your central idea into secondary ideas (sub plots)

  • Apply story structure and build narrative

  • Develop your protagonists’ journey, ensuring it aligns with the story structure (fiction only)

Option 3 - Idea Fix

The Idea Fix is going to be for you if you’re already writing your book but something about your idea is tripping you up and just not quite working, the Idea Fix is all about getting you out of the weeds and writing again

Together we will:

  • Analyse your idea to identify what isn’t working and why

  • Troubleshoot new possibilities | Brainstorm solutions

  • Apply some of elements used in option 1 & 2 to work around the problem and ultimately fix it, so that you can carry on with your book, powering through to ‘The End’. 

  • For these four-weeks I will become your creative collaborator or sounding board depending on what you need, helping get you out the weeds and back on track.

And remember, all the options in The Ideas Playground are also available as standalone programmes, which means if the only thing that is stopping you from writing (and finishing) your book is landing on that big idea, expanding that idea into a story or fixing a problem with your existing story, then 4-weeks in The Ideas Playground might be all you need! Still not sure, why not arrange a free Creativity Call with me and we can talk it through…