Q. Will the coaching programme make me a better writer?

A. To be clear, THIS IS NOT A WRITING COURSE. This 1:1 coaching programme is not about making you a better writer, although believe me, by the time you’ve finished your book that will have inevitably happened anyway. This coaching IS NOT about improving your writing abilities, technique or style. IT IS about helping you navigate your book-writing journey so that you don’t get derailed at the first hurdle. It IS about helping you to start trusting yourself as a writer, trusting your creative voice and trusting the creative process so that you can finally write your book, whatever your writing experience or ability is.   

Q. Does this programme guarantee me a finished book by the end of the twelve weeks?

A. This programme DOES NOT guarantee you a finished book by the end of. This coaching programme is about putting you on the right track to write and finish your book. It’s about equipping you with the road map and the survival manual so that you can go it alone and finally succeed on your own. The objective is not that you write and finish your book by the end of the 12-weeks, it’s that you are in the right headspace, with the right plan and on the right path to write and finish your book.


Q. What if I still need support after the twelve weeks are over, is this possible?

A. Yes. Some clients feel like the support and coaching they receive as part of Module 3 is still really essential throughout the rest of their book writing journey, whether that be on regular basis or slightly more ad hoc one. If by the end of the programme you feel the same way, then we can arrange a plan that works for you and it would be my pleasure to continue supporting you on your writing journey. 


Q. I can’t commit to twelve consecutive weeks, does that mean I can’t take the programme? 

A. Absolutely not. This programme is designed to be flexible so that it doesn’t leave anyone out. As part of your Creativity Call, we can decide what coaching schedule will work best for you.


Q. I have no writing experience; can I still sign up?

A. Damn straight you can! The only prerequisite here is that you want to write a book.


Q. What sort of time commitment will this be?

A. Every 1:1 session together will be an hour, hosted online by me via the wonders of Zoom. Before we begin working together, we will schedule the 12-weeks. These sessions work best when they’re scheduled weekly, ideally at the same time - this then becomes a consistent and structured part of your writing practice. If for any reason our sessions together need to change then there is plenty of scope for flexibility. The aim is to find a structure and a schedule that works best for you, so that you can honour it.


Q. What if I’m only struggling with my idea, can I just do Module 2 or do I still need to do the whole programme?

A. No, you don’t need to do the whole programme if that doesn’t feel right for you. Instead you can choose your own adventure and go for whichever module speaks the loudest and feels the most relevant to you. If, at the end of completing one module you decide you’d like to try another, then you can. The programme has been built for optimum flexibility to accommodate your needs and wherever you are on your journey.


Q. What if I need all 3 options in Module 2?

A. This is very common for anyone who is at the beginning of their book writing journey and knows they have a book in them but doesn’t know what it should be about. In these cases, clients tend to work through a couple of the options in Module 2, usually the Ideas Generator and the Idea Expander.  If this is the right route for you, then we do a ‘bolt on’ option which, if you’ve signed up for the full programme will be offered at a reduced rate from the standard module price and arranged during your Creativity Call. 


Q. Can I sign up for one module at a time and see how I get on before committing to the full programme?

A. Absolutely! If you’d rather take it slow and do one module at a time that’s completely fine. I will just flag, in case you haven’t spotted it for yourself, if you were to end up doing the full programme, then paying for all the individual modules will work out to be more expensive than if you signed up for the full programme to begin with but it’s totally your choice.


Q. I really want to do this programme but can’t afford to pay in full, can I pay in instalments?

A. Of course, you can! I offer payment plans for both the 12-week programme and the individual models so that you have the financial flexibility to make this work for you. We can discuss this during your Creativity Call.

Q. Is this programme for fiction writers only?

A. No, this programme is equally beneficial for people who are writing non fiction too. All the modules are just as relevant and can be applied in the same way to both.


Q. I’m already writing a book and making pretty good progress, is this still a programme for me?

A. Right now, no it’s not.  If you’re marching on with your book and making good consistent progress than I am absolutely delighted for you. Keep going! If at any point that changes though and you find yourself getting stuck or your story gets stuck, then come back to me and we can have a chat, but for now, it sounds like you’re doing brilliantly, so just keep writing!