I love working with Christina! Our sessions have helped me develop better habits to support my writing practice and much more confidence in my abilities as a writer.
— Programme Participant

Module 3 is all about taking action and turning your creative goal into a reality.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to effectively manage your creativity to achieve the best results (in the most joyful way possible)

  • Create a ‘Road Map’ – a step by step outline for your story so you don’t get lost and always know what to write about next.  

  • Set some boundaries and parameters for your creativity to play and thrive

  • Get really intentional and clear on your goals and your timeline for achieving them

  • Create a series of ‘celebratory milestones’ so you have something more achievable and realistic to strive for, rather than The End, which can feel very overwhelming, especially if you’re at the beginning. 

  • Turn your idea into action and write your damn book

Ready to take action and FINALLY write your book….