The goal with Story SOS is simple; it’s to get you and your story back on track and moving forward again.

Writing is usually a solo adventure which can often be a lonely process, especially when things get tricky and you hit a bump in the road. You’ve got to find a solution all on your own, which is fine when you know how to navigate your way around the bump, but what happens when you’re feeling so stuck you don’t know which way to turn, let alone how to move forward?

Here’s what usually happens…         

You become frustrated, you slow down, you lose momentum, then you lose confidence in yourself, in your story and in your abilities to write it, believing you haven’t got what it takes, it’s all gets too hard and so eventually, you give up.

Until the next time, when you decide to try again, hoping it’ll be different, because when it comes to writing our stories, there’s always a next time isn’t there?

I don’t want you to give up. I want you to keep going. I want you to write your story. And so that’s where I come in, with my Story SOS. 

Think of me as your creative facilitator, sounding board, collaborator and creativity coach.

You bring yourself, along with whatever challenge you’re currently facing; be it a struggle with your story or a struggle with yourself while writing (or possibly not writing) your story and together we’ll tackle the problem and work towards finding a solution.  

Story SOS is an interactive collaborative session, structured around your needs and the needs of your story. Sessions involve;

  • Creative brainstorming 

  • Story mapping

  • Ideation and troubleshooting

  • Discovery exercises 

  • Focussed discussion

Together we’ll explore whatever challenges you’re facing and then we’ll find the tools, techniques AND strategies you need to move beyond them – simple as that.

Think of Story SOS as a drop-in centre to support your writing-journey. You can book a session whenever you feel like you need some additional support with your writing, once twice or as many times as you need.

This is not a creative takeover, it’s a creative collaboration. This is your story, not mine, and I deeply respect that, which is why, I will never tell you what you should do with your story, instead I will facilitate a creative conversation that allows new ideas, thoughts, strategies and solutions to emerge, enabling you to move forward with your writing, feeling in full creative control.

No problem is too big or too small, if it’s stopping you from making progress with your writing and holding you back from reaching your creative goal, then Story SOS IS FOR YOU.


 I work with writers and storytellers struggling with… 

  • Knowing how and where to start

  • Story structure and building narrative

  • Organising their ideas and thoughts

  • Organising themselves

  • Too many ideas and don’t know what to do with them all

  • Not enough ideas

  • Missing that one central idea

  • Their plot

  • Not being able to make any meaningful or significant progress with their writing

  • Lack of motivation 

  • Procrastination crushing their confidence

 And many more very common challenges when it comes to writing a book.

Story SOS_Overview.png


So, here’s how it works…

  1. A Story SOS session costs £125 

  2. You choose your 1-hour slot, letting me know what you’re struggling with and what area you want to focus on – And remember the more you’re able to tell me, the quicker we’ll be able to dive into the session and find solutions

  3. I’ll see you on Zoom for your Story SOS together we’ll get you and your story moving again.

And here’s the not-so-small print, that I really want you to read before signing up.   

This is the creative process we’re talking about here, it’s not black and white, right or wrong and there are no magic formulas or guarantees of success – that’s why it’s called a process.  We might not always land on the perfect solution in the time we have together. It might take more than one session to arrive at a solution that works for you or it might be that the strategies and solutions that emerge from our session together don’t work in the way that we’d like them to, which is why I never talk about anything being ‘100% Guaranteed’. That type of ‘magic-formula-marketing’ is not how the creative process works and it’s not how I work either.    

Here’s what I can promise you though;

  • My intention will always be to get you and your story moving forward again, providing you with as much support as you need in the time that we have available, without the condition of you needing another session in order to make it worth your while.

  • I will always offer as many practical techniques, tools, tips, strategies and solutions as needed to address your specific challenge.

  • There will never be a sales pitch, I don’t waste any of our valuable time together trying to sign you up for another programme – you’ve seen this website, you know what I offer and the services I provide and I hope you know I’m here if you need me.

  • I genuinely care about you and your writing journey, I want to see you finish your book.